Disagreement Between Mates
Is Not A Minor Issue
Or so says NBCNEWS.com which reported on a study done by Kenneth Leonard, Ph.D., at the University of Buffalo.
Study data was compiled by following newlyweds over a nine year period and the conclusion was couples who consume alcohol at the same rate have a better chance of staying together than those who don’t.
Imbibing wasn’t the problem. Couples who abstained completely, rated no better on marriage durability than couples who drank heavily. It was disparity in the quantities consumed that made divorce likely.
Of course, the question is, why would a difference in alcohol consumption encourage divorce? The study provided no definite answers but the author said the findings give a couple of hints:
- The difference may mean a couple is less likely to socialize together. Not a good thing since marriage is considered one of the closest of social units.
- Different opinions about alcohol consumption suggests a lack of compatibility, the second most common reason for divorce, and it isn’t a minor issue.
The reasons for not drinking, or drinking very little, are often personal, even moral. That’s not a surprise. Alcohol has induced abuse of all kinds, automobile tragedies and relationship fails all of which leave indelible marks on those who live through or observe it closely. Partners with firsthand experience won’t easily accept a repeat of history.
To avoid getting into trouble early, wise individuals will ask the right questions before they say “I do.” They’ll also realize that getting married is nothing like becoming a missionary.
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