Jesus Could Do
Anything And Everything
But He Hasn’t
Promised To
Jesus isn’t a rabbit’s foot, four leaf clover, wishbone or lucky charm.
Plastic replicas of Him on the dashboard will not keep you safe.
Any one of those things may salve you psychologically, and I’m happy for you if they help, but trinkets around your neck do not save.
I don’t doubt Jesus wants all of us to be safe. I also don’t think it’s His wish or will for anyone to hurt, get sick or die ever, for any reason, but we do. He doesn’t prevent these pains. Bad things happen occasionally. It’s inevitable.
Honesty Helps
We need to be honest with the facts. To believe Jesus is the Savior for every possible bad experience, makes Him a failure and us dupes.
But if our understanding of salvation is a little more focused, if we allow limits on what we expect, then we can eliminate several things from salvation’s list. For example:
He won’t save us from the obnoxious person at work, an unhealthy life style, accidents, financial problems, stupidity or ignorance, inconvenient circumstances, laziness or any one of many other possible problems.
Some Problems Are Ours To Handle
Some of those problems may be caused by your own actions. Some of them may be caused by someone else but, either way, salvation doesn’t cover any of them whether you cause them or not.
Jesus won’t even save you from sin. If that was His purpose, every Christian I know has missed something along the way. We all still struggle with sin.
He also doesn’t save from the consequences of sin, at least not the consequences in this life. You do the crime, you do the time, Christian or not.
Being Christian May Make Consequences Worse
I have yet to hear a judge wave a penalty because the guilty person is a child of God.
Fortunately, Jesus doesn’t leave us helpless in the face of our many problems. He offers unlimited amounts of wisdom to handle all the difficulties salvation doesn’t solve. And we should consider it a great compliment that He thinks we are capable of accessing and implementing wisdom to manage life’s many problems.
Great amounts of wisdom, a new nature and a loving supportive Savior makes us wonder why we shouldn’t be judged more severely when we intentionally fail.
Jesus does offer to save us but His offer has little to do with this life. He offers us salvation from eternal condemnation. That is later, not now.
Salvation Is Finished And Complete
Once He saves a person, it is complete. He didn’t offer to start something that we have to finish. It can’t be lost in this life or the next. Whatever salvation involves He is in complete charge.
Salvation is not like your favorite parking spot, available on some days and on other days not. If you have it, you have it. It’s there every minute of every day.
Christians struggle with many problems in this life. Sometimes they implement the offered wisdom to make it better and sometimes they don’t. But none of this reflects badly on Jesus or the salvation He offers.
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