Jesus Saves At Any Time
In Any Place
Jesus isn’t a tardy Savior. He doesn’t wait. He is never late. He works immediately. His response is without hesitation.
We always talk about Jesus being a willing Savior, and He is, but that isn’t the entire message. He’s more than just willing. He is constantly ready.
He described Himself as seeking the lost, which means He doesn’t sit in one place and wait for people to come to Him.
Jesus wants to save. His desire never wanes.
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Even in His human state, dragging around a physical body, His need for rest never got in the way of ministry (Mark 6:31-44).
And now in His glorified state, He never tires. Jesus is ready to save 24/7/365.
There’s no afternoon slump. He’s never bored with the humdrum of life or put off by the unexpected. According to Him, He is always ready.
Truly, truly, I say unto you. He that hears my word and believes on Him that sent me has everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death unto life.
In other words,
- Any person – regardless of race, class, language, education or culture. No social constraints.
- Who hears the words of Jesus – in the sense of accepting. No compulsion. It’s there. Accepting or rejecting is the choice.
- Hears in any place – in or out of church, any church. No location constraints.
- Hears at any time, night or day. No time constraints.
- And believes on God, i.e., simple faith. Just believing. No life renovating constraints.
- Has everlasting life – has it right now, present tense. Whatever happens at the moment of salvation happens at the very moment of belief. It’s immediate. Jesus saves at that very moment. No process constraints.
- Shall not come into condemnation – reiterating the permanence of salvation. Append the word ever. It’s the implied understanding. No ongoing conditional constraints.
- But is past from death unto life – reiterating the immediacy of salvation. Again, no process constraints.
And don’t forget, The verse is introduced with Verily, Verily emphasizing the certainty of what Jesus said.
Although the hearing, believing and saving described in this verse isn’t visible to the human eye, heaven knows. The angels rejoice at the repentance (hearing and believing) of just one sinner. We have to believe the rejoicing happens simultaneously with faith.
Not only is Jesus willing and able, He is immediately ready to save at any time. Just call, any time from anywhere, and He’ll answer.
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